Gathering Around the Cauldron
Future Events
These semi-regular gatherings offer the opportunity for the genuine seeker, novice or solitary to gain practical experience when it comes to working magick and ritual through the lens of contemporary witchcraft.
Each month will include a ritual that will incorporate current astrological, seasonal or deific themes, together with instruction on ritual practices and philosophical theory that underpins this specific style of witchcraft, and how it fits into the Australian environment.
Each gathering will be held from 12 noon until 3:00pm upstairs at Carpe Diem, 158 Commercial Road, Port Adelaide.
Casual attendance welcome. As there are limited places available, booking are essential and can be purchased through Humanitix.
Developing a Witch’s Inner Power
This workshop focuses on the much needed inner power that a witch needs in order to ensure that their magical workings achieve the desired goal, in particular the interweaving that the threads of intention and visualisation play.
Explore how these core principles underpin the Eight Paths of magic, enabling the witch to turn their wishcraft desires into witchcrafted realities.
Healing Witch Trauma from the Past
The echoes of our past lives and connections with other people follow us through our incarnations, and so does any trauma we may have incurred practicing the arts magical.
Echoes of our past lives can reoccur in our daily lives. You might have heard them in the patterns that repeat through relationships and the work to which you feel drawn. Learning about these will cast new light on your past lives and is an essential step in your psychic development and spiritual practice.
Cursing, Hexing and Ethics of a Witch
Within contemporary witchcraft, ethics and accountability are paramount, serving as foundational pillars to guide the witch in their spiritual journey and magical practices.
These ethics primarily revolve around the responsible use of one’s knowledge and powers, ensuring that one’s actions are aligned with a moral compass that respects free will and seeks to do no harm. But does this exclude one from taking magical actions that are intended to cause harm?
Healing the Witch’s Spirit
Details to come.
Crafting Your Own Witch’s Path
There are many interpretations of witchcraft today, each containing specific beliefs, rituals and even practices that provide the framework as to how a witch defines themself.
Finding your own “path” as a witch can be a deeply personal and meaningful experience as it not only allows you to connect with your spiritual side, but can also provide a sense of community and connection with others who follow the same path.
History and Magick of the Witch
Throughout human history, there have always been those set aside from the mainstream, who may have had a more developed psychic ability, were able to read the signs hidden from general view, or heard conversations with otherworldly beings.
Even in more recent times, the draw to the unexplained to resulted in people seeking to explore the hidden realms.
Working the Witch’s Pyramid
The Witch’s Pyramid is a basic framework for magical practice that is often used within contemporary witchcraft.
Used within meditation visualisation, or even focusing energy during spellcraft, understanding the concept of the Witch’s Pyramid is often considered essential knowledge for anyone practicing magic or witchcraft today as these fundamental principles form the basis for deeper work in the future.
Sex, Fertility and Witchcraft
Details to come.