Articles of interest
Here you will find an assortment of articles focusing on contemporary witchcraft written by Frances Billinghurst which relate to the practices of the Temple of the Dark Moon, together with other articles about contemporary or initiatory witchcraft in general:
The Seasonal Festivals (Sabbats) by Frances Billinghurst (added 2024)
‘What Alexandrian Witches Do’: or the followers of the ‘Old Ways’ do anyway by Sharon Day (January, 2018)
The Joys of an Alexandrian Witch by Maxine Sanders (January, 2018)
Same Sex Initiation - A Revelation by Karagan Griffith (October, 2020)
Alexandrian Witchcraft: Vouching & Validity of Initiation — Reference vs. Recommendation by Sharon Day (July, 2023)
The Altar of Sacrifice before the Temple Door by Karagan Griffith (July, 2023)