Full Moon Gatherings

The changing phases of the moon has long been observed within many esoteric and occult traditions.  Within contemporary witchcraft, the moon often represents the feminine principle, the Goddess, whereas the sun represents the masculine principle, the God (whilst noting that there are cultures that recognise a masculine lunar deity or feminine solar deity). 

Today, there are numerous resources sharing information about how the different phases can be utilised in order to create change in our lives, with the full moon in particular relating to the completion of the lunar cycle, being fully luminated by the sun, and therefore illuminating things that no longer serve us.

Since the early 2000s the Temple of the Dark Moon has been hosting public Full Moon Gatherings to enable anyone who is interested, to join others of like mind, in sacred ceremony, to connect with Lady Lunar, to offer up their prayers for healing, their requests for boons, and to simply to grateful for what they have received during the lunar cycle.

Full Moon Gatherings continue to be open to anyone who feels to desire to gather with likeminded souls, and connect with Lady Lunar, with the venue being on the beach near the Largs Bay Sailing Club.

Children are welcome however they are the sole responsibility of their parents and /or
guardians and need to show respect to other attendees.

Meeting Place: The carpark north of the Largs Bay Sailing Club around 7.00pm before
heading down to the foreshore. Ceremony to commence around 7.15pm.

Cost: Gold coin or loose change charitable donation.

Dates for the upcoming Full Moon Gatherings:

  • Friday, 21 June 2024 - Full Moon in Capricorn (Winter Solstice)

  • Saturday 20 July 2024 - Full Moon in Capricorn

  • Monday, 19 August 2024 - Full Moon in Aquarius

  • Tuesday, 17 September 2024 - Full Moon in Pisces

  • Thursday, 17 October 2024 - Full Moon in Aries*

  • Friday, 15 November 2024 - Full Moon in Taurus*

  • Saturday, 14 December 2024 - Full Moon in Gemini*

(* Held an hour later due to Daylight Savings)

Yemaya Blessing of the Waters

This annual Yemaya Blessing of the Waters event takes place around the first full moon of each year,  Inspired by the festivities found within the Candomblé and Umbanda Afro-Brazilian communities that are celebrated on New Year's Day as well as 2 February, Yemaya Blessing of the Waters honours the orisha of the oceans, seas and all other waterways.

More information about this event can be found by clicking on the button below: