Training Available

The Temple of the Dark Moon is currently not offering training with respect to initiation into the priesthood of the
Alexandrian Tradition of Witchcraft.

If you are interested in contemporary witchcraft, then you may like to consider some of the following options:

Join the Temple of the Dark Moon’s newsletter to be advised of upcoming events together with other information with respect to magic and witchcraft, particularly in the Southern Hemisphere.

Online Course: A Guide to Wicca and Contemporary Witchcraft

This introductory online course is offered through the Udemy platform and consists of some on-demand 33 lectures that make up some six hours of video instruction on many foundational aspects that underpin not only contemporary witchcraft, but which will also hold you in good stead as you continue to explore and develop not your own Craft, but also magical practice and your own spiritual evolution.

Discover why contemporary witchcraft is a spiritual, magical religion where the ultimate goal is to integrate your place in the greater scheme of things - reflecting the Hermetic Principle of "As Above, So Below, As Within So Without", influencing your ability to bring around real change in your life.

You might also like to check out the other online courses we have available through Udemy while you are there.

Adelaide Events

If you reside in Adelaide (South Australia), then you might like to consider visiting the Public Events page to see what events are being offered.

Facebook Groups

Alexandrian Wicca Seekers and Initiates

Alexandrian Witchcraft: The Magic of Maxine and Alex Sanders

Alexandrian & Gardnerian Witchcraft: The Path of Initiation

Some Podcasts

Covendom with Brian Cain, Levi Rowland and Elie Barns, members of the Alexandrian Priesthood

For Coven’s Sake with Karagan and Michael, two High Priests of the Alexandrian Tradition

Circle Talk 4 Witches with four members of the Alexandrian Priesthood